Master Speaking & Communication Skills - On My Mind

Improve your speaking and communication skills to make a difference at work, college, job interview.

Master Speaking & Communication Skills - On My Mind
Master Speaking & Communication Skills - On My Mind

Master Speaking & Communication Skills - On My Mind udemy course free download

Improve your speaking and communication skills to make a difference at work, college, job interview.

What you'll learn:

  • Effective speaking skills and communication skills for workplace
  • Communication skills development for a collaborative workplace
  • Effective speaking and communication skills for college
  • Effective speaking and communication skills for Management & Leadership


  • Basic knowledge and understanding of English


Speaking & Communication skills have become very critical in todays workplace because of the paradigm shifts in our work and workplaces over the past few decades. Good speaking skills can have a huge positive impact on your career development. People who lack the requisite speaking skills, get discounted at work and can face an uphill battle in influencing others and outcomes.

Experience our course where we break down how you can improve your speaking skills in small steps. We cover how to build your Introduction and then use it to practice your speaking through the course.

We start with the basics of volume,  speed, accent and clarity. Then move on to the finer qualities of adding mood, energy and voice variation in your speaking. We also briefly touch upon how to structure the content in your speaking. The course also provides techniques using everyday resources to practice and enhance the basic qualities in your speaking.

We introduce a unique concept called "Yaps2Go" which will help you practice speaking using short snippets. And you can do this on the go; in your car, home, elevator..!

Assignments after each lecture help you work on one aspect of your speaking at a time. At the end of the lectures you can put it all together to become a better speaker.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of completion

Master Speaking & Communication Skills - On My Mind udemy courses free download

Improve your speaking and communication skills to make a difference at work, college, job interview.

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