Get A*/9 in GCSE Mathematics (Numbers, Ratios & Percentages)
Help you solve mathematics problems easily!

Get A*/9 in GCSE Mathematics (Numbers, Ratios & Percentages) udemy course free download
Help you solve mathematics problems easily!
What you'll learn:
Obtain a grade of A*/9 in GCSE Mathematics (Numbers, Ratios & Percentages)
- Understand arithmetic, multiples, and factors, as well as make educated guesses.
- Become more comfortable dealing with fractions and solving issues.
- Understand how to use ratios and proportions to solve issues.
- Recognize percentage changes and compound percentage changes.
Basic mathematical understanding
This course aims to be an introduction to core mathematics concepts that are also very useful in our daily lives. The course focuses specifically on content which is tested in GCSE maths exams, but these concepts are also very useful for performing well in all of our classes which require the use of math, and specifically fractions and percentages. I am always open to feedback on how the course can be improved in the future, so feel free to leave a comment about this! This is the first course I have ever created, so I have a lot yet to learn, but I am very happy with how this turned out. The topics covered in this course are: arithmetic, multiples, factors, making approximations through rounding and using upper and lower bounds, fractions, ratios, proportions, percentages with a focus on percentage increases and decreases and compound percentage changes. We take a heavy problem and example based approach to understanding the various topics because I believe that the best way to learn math is by working through questions. We also focus on the different methods that can be used to solve various problems, as in mathematics there are often many methods we can apply to come to the same, correct solution. By learning these varied methods it can deepen our understanding of the concepts and give us more tools to solve problems in the future. I really hope you find this course useful!
Who this course is for:
- GCSE students aiming for a top grade on their mathematics exam
- Anyone who is looking to improve their understanding of mathematics
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Course Details:
- 2 hours on-demand video
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of completion
Get A*/9 in GCSE Mathematics (Numbers, Ratios & Percentages) udemy courses free download
Help you solve mathematics problems easily!
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