Writing That Moves: Write Novels That Keep Pages Turning udemy course free download

What you'll learn:

  • Master seven important plot elements of commercially successful novels.
  • Plan new novels with plots that will keep readers engaged and turning pages.
  • Enhance your literary novels with plots that will make agents stop saying, "This story is a little too quiet for my list."



  • Please note that your experience will be enhanced if you join Sally's Facebook group for Udemy students. There are lots of warm, helpful writers in the group. Also, Sally has office hours there a few times a month.
  • If you are in my high concept course, much of this info overlaps. Please be aware that the section on short hooks is repeated in its entirety in the high concept course.


Writing Fiction that Moves: Write page-turning novels by learning to write compelling plots!

In this course on plotting, you'll learn to write compelling short hooks for your query letters, and you'll learn how to plot a satisfying story that takes a character from point A to point B while keeping readers eagerly turning pages all the way.

If you're unpublished and having a hard time breaking in or if you're published but having a hard time breaking out, this course should help you.

You'll also be able to ask Sally questions in the course or on the companion Facebook page where she keeps office hours a couple of times a month.  

Sally has over 3000 satisfied students on Udemy. Join those happy students by joining this course. (oh, OK, there are a couple of disgruntled folks in that lot--you can't please all the people all the time. Thank God for money-back guarantees!) 


Is this course for you?

But . . .


WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING about Sally's courses?

And because Sally likes to be fair and balanced . . . 

And last, but not least, this gal who really hated one course so much that she left a half-star rating. She perhaps did not see the irony in her remark about the course, which was, simply

Come on in if you dare. Step up. Invest in your dream. And in the end, if you hate the course, there is a 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. And all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things will be well. 


What this course promises:

If you do all the exercises, you'll finish the course with a novel completely plotted. You'll also get a simple template to follow for writing your short hooks and you'll come away understanding what elements go into some of the most compelling plots. We'll cover:

  1. the normal life of the character
  2. the inciting incident
  3. the character's acceptance of the call to action
  4. the character trying and failing and trying and failing
  5. the dark night of the soul
  6. the climax
  7. the denouement


What this course does not promise:


Some questions this course answers:

Who this course is for:

  • If you are in my high concept course, much of this info overlaps. Please be aware that the section on short hooks is repeated in its entirety in the high concept course.
  • beginners who don’t know where to start
  • intermediate writers who have trouble plotting
  • NaNo writers who want to go in with a novel that is already plotted
  • if you have studied the three-act structure and the hero's journey this course is not necessary for you unless you just want some reminders


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