Chemistry Students Need to Know: The Metric System udemy course free download

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You've heard of the metric system. You've measured with the metric system. You may have even grown up using the metric system. But are you prepared to use the metric system in CHEMISTRY CLASS?

“The English system has cooler names for things - stone, urgs, quarts, ounces, furlongs, leagues - but the nice thing about the metric system is that it is extremely consistent.” -Professor Lehman

Length, mass, and volume all have English measurements, and also metric measurements. You do need to know both for your SCIENCE CLASS. So even if you have never measured in inches or ounces, you need a familiarity with the English system to work with it on CHEMISTRY PROBLEMS.

You will also get a cheat sheet with all the metric system key terms you will need in your SCIENCE CLASS.

Take this quick course to get a solid foundation for your chemistry class. You don't want metric confusion to slow you down in your chemistry class in high school or first-year university. Have a firm foundation in the metric system so you can succeed in chemistry class!

Pay attention - Professor Lehman has a sly sense of humor!

Don’t rely on YouTube to get your chemistry knowledge. Professor Lehman knows exactly what CHEMISTRY STUDENTS need to succeed in chemistry class!

CHEMISTRY STUDENTS NEED TO KNOW is a series of courses to help CHEMISTRY STUDENTS succeed in chemistry, wherever they take chemistry! Look for other courses in the series.

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