The Game Developer Bootcamp udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



Welcome to The Game Developer Bootcamp. If you're looking to be not just a gamer, but a game maker, you've came to the right course!

Learn To Work With

Building a game doesn't have to be difficult, in The Game Developer Bootcamp we will teach you everything. If you know absolutely nothing about programming and about game development, this is the course for you. We welcome all skill levels to our course!

The course will start out by teaching you how to code in Python 3, with your first program where you print Hello World. You will receive the most valuable information in the course, by learning to network by writing a server and client that can communicate with each other. We learn Python as it is nearly identical to GDScript, which has only slight differences. You will then use your Python skills in Godot Game Engine 3. We will go into detail on the node system, which, is a challenging, but an incredibly rewarding object system. Then, we will be building a platformer demo, where will build a player, and AI.


We will be building a 3D physics demo which will teach you how to use the 3D functions in Godot. C# will also be taught in the course, using the Mono Version of Godot. You will also get a glimpse of VR in Godot.

Finally we will go into GameMaker Studio 2, we will go over the features of GameMaker Studio 2, with your already obtained knowledge of Godot, going through GameMaker Studio 2 will be easier. We will be building a multiplayer platformer, making a GameMaker Studio 2 client, and a Python server from scratch to communicate.

Art assets, and quizzes will be available in the course! Check out the curriculum for more details!

Skills From This Course Can Be Used For

Build 4 Demos In The Course : Develop Games

Ask questions, chat with our other students across all of our courses, through our Discord server!

When you finish the course, you will come out as a true game developer, knowing how to use two of the best game engines to date!

Get the lifetime access to the course today!

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