Learn Linux Security – Working with Permissions udemy course free download

What you'll learn:

Learn Linux Security – Working with Permissions

  • Take the time to learn how the Linux Access Control Model is set up.
  • People should know how permissions are calculated and set.
  • Learn how to manage Linux security through the command line.
  • Make sure you know how to give permissions to different types of users, groups, and other people.
  • Learn how to use both the command line and the Desktop UI to manage permissions.



If you want to learn more about how Linux File Permissions work, read on!

People who take this class will learn how to control access and file permissions on Linux systems in order to keep them safe. Learn how Linux uses permissions to keep people from getting into things in a multi-user setting. You need to know permission management if you work with Linux security. If you do, you need to know it inside and out. You can go from being a novice to becoming an expert.

You’ll learn how to:

What you can do after class:

The following are some examples of permissions and real-world examples.

In this section, we will show you how to manage permissions from the command line.

– A look at how permissions are managed through the desktop UI.

Most lessons also show you how permissions work in real life, so you can see them in action. You can start learning how to protect your Linux computer by taking this complete course on Linux Permissions right now!

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