Hands-on Linux: Self-Hosted WordPress for Linux Beginners udemy course free download

What you'll learn:

Hands-on Linux: Self-Hosted WordPress for Linux Beginners -Course For Free

  1. Learn basic Linux system administration by setting up a WordPress hosting platform
  2. Configure a production-grade WordPress install on Linux
  3. Set up and configure the popular MySQL database
  4. Tune web server performance and set up caching for lightning-fast page loads
  5. Be comfortable working with an Nginx webserver
  6. Configure monitoring for your web hosting server
  7. Create and manage Linux system users
  8. Manage Linux file permissions
  9. Understand the basics of how HTTP, the Web protocol, works
  10. Understand basic and more advanced Bash shell concepts and skills
  11. Schedule commands to run periodically on Linux with Cron
  12. Manage remote servers using SSH
  13. Automate repetitive tasks with Ansible, a powerful automation and configuration management tool
  14. Effectively perform security hardening on Linux servers and services


  1. Know what Linux is
  2. What servers and web hosting are
  3. Know what an IP address and a domain name are
  4. Have a working Internet connection and a Windows, Macintosh, or Linux computer to follow along on
  5. If you already have a web server somewhere, great! If not, I’ll show you how to set one up for around $5/month.


Other courses focus on the slow memorization of theory, which doesn’t always produce the best results.

Over the course of a few afternoons, you’ll have completed a serious (and seriously useful) project, understand the basics of Linux and system administration, and be comfortable on the Linux terminal; ready to take on larger and more complicated projects or build on the foundation of your WordPress hosting platform.

Who this course is for:

  1. This course assumes little to no knowledge of Linux and will teach the basics of Linux and Infrastructure Engineering.
  2. The course is designed for people who learn technical material best when it’s presented in a practical, project-based way.
  3. Aspiring Linux, Cloud Infrastructure, or DevOps Engineers
  4. The course is designed for people who want to set up a professional-grade WordPress hosting platform (running a WordPress blog or e-commerce site), NOT for people who just want to get a simple WordPress site set up for blogging.
  5. Content From: https://www.udemy.com/course/hands-on-linux-self-hosted-wordpress-for-linux-beginners.

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