C# Programming for Beginners : The First Steps udemy course free download

What you'll learn:

C# Programming for Beginners: Practical Applications Approach Course



Students will learn to create their own computer programs and video games using the C# programming language. No prior programming experience is assumed. This is a course for REAL BEGINNERS. We will introduce all the required programming skills from the ground up. This programming course is meant for ANYONE WHO WANTS TO LEARN TO CODE. We cover C# syntax but more importantly, we introduce the PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS necessary to convert practical problems to solutions in code…You get paid for solving problems everything else is just a technicality.

Our focus will be working with Visual Studio on Windows machines.

Here’s how I will help you to succeed:

o    Each lecture starts with a list of objectives/speaking notes

o    Every example covered in the lecture is available for download in the resources section  … including the objectives/speaking notes

o    Almost every lecture has a set of Practice problems with full solutions provided

o    My style of writing and teaching follows the KISS principle: Keep It, Super Simple.   I try to stay away from fancy computer terminology and try to teach like am speaking to a brand new user with little to no previous knowledge on the subject matter…. and  I am always available for help … replying most times within a day.

… and finally, this is NOT a static course, updates are made several times a month, with new lectures and challenge problems added on a continual basis.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

18 hours on-demand video
73 articles
239 downloadable resources
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of completion

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