American English Expressions Every Native Speaker Knows udemy course free download

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American English Expressions Every Native Speaker Knows Course Site



When watching an American movie, have you ever said this to yourself?

“I understand every word, but I have no idea what he is talking about!”

If this is you, this course was made for you.

We will be learning the most common English expressions, idioms and slang phrases native English speakers use in daily conversations—the things you can’t learn in books. The best way to learn is by example, and that is the foundation of this course. In each lesson, we will talk about one English phrase or expression. I will carefully explain the meaning, background, and usage(s), then share real-life examples from conversations between native English speakers.

You won’t just learn English idioms in this course, you will master them, and understand how to use them in your daily life, which is important for exams like IELTS and TOEFL. Also, if you feel uncertain about anything you’re learning throughout the course, I will answer any questions you have.

Are you ready to take your English mastery to the next level? Let the journey begin!


Who this course is for:

Course Details:

7.5 hours on-demand video
64 downloadable resources
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of completion

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